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Now at our lowest prices of the season with our annual "Beat the Clock" sale!

Choose the model, choose the length, choose the graphic!

The process begins with checking out with one of the below items, and we'll contact you to get the design ball rolling. Our standardized pricing on custom skis helps get you on the fast track to the skis of your dreams. Just checkout with the ski model and length, choose one of three design options and a real person will email you from handmade@meierskis.com to get the artwork rolling!

Want a custom board? We do those, too! Check out the custom snowboard design process.

Choose any existing design*: 

If you love the High Noon graphic but want it on The Doc (for example), this is the choice for you! We call this a semi-custom.
*excludes licensed graphics which are purchased on their graphic page

Customer Supplied Design

Use our provided design template for any ski model and create your own design! You'll need to review the design specs (this will save you a lot of time!), and then download the Photoshop file containing custom ski template caution: they're 221MB each). Upload complete artwork here and we'll review it before going into production (delivery is 4 weeks from artwork finalization).

Professional Graphic Design

Supply us with images and/or design ideas and our professional graphic designers do the work for you!

(includes 4 hours of design time)

**Custom skis are built one pair at a time and ready for delivery 4-6 weeks after artwork is FINALIZED (not when product purchase is completed).